
Billeroo West
SA, 5440 - Unincorporated SA

Thinking about buying in Billeroo West? Now could not be a better time, with just 1 residential dwellings it's a highly sought after location.

Distance to the coast is 224 Km.

Properties for sale in Billeroo West

Household Makeup

Median Weekly Rent $
Median Monthly Mortgage $
Median Persons Per Bedroom
Average Household Size
Average Age
Average Income $
Average Cars Per Dwelling
Average Properties Within 50M

Average Property Prices

Instant Property Valuation

Housing Stock

Local Schools

None within suburb boundary

(While the above schools are located with the suburb of Billeroo West there may also be nearby schools whose catchments cover this suburb)

Local Crime Rate

Incidents Trend State Average

We are currently collecting information for this location.

Billeroo West weather - Average Local Climate by month

source: Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology

Internet Speed

Download 25 Mbps / Upload 5 Mbps

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